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Hokus Pokus

6.20 17 minutes
The Stooges are taking care of their invalid friend Mary who is confined to a wheelchair. What they don't know is that Mary is only faking her disability to swindle the insurance company. When the boys witness a hypnotist, "The Great Svengarlic", doing his act on the street, they think he might be able to hypnotize Mary so she can walk. Instead, they become subjects for his show and are hypnotized into walking out on a flagpole high above the ground. When they come out of their trance and realize their predicament, they fall into a window, startling Mary, who jumps from her wheelchair just as the insurance adjuster is about to hand her a check.



2013 Movies

The Dresden Doll

1922 Movies

The Cure

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Chasing the Chaser

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The Heisters

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The Pawnshop

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1968 Movies

A Duet

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Dr. Dolittle 2

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