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Marvin the Tap-Dancing Horse - Season 2 Episode 9 To Flea or Not to Flea; Diamonds' Dance Party 2001

Marvin the Tap-Dancing Horse - Season 2 Episode 9 To Flea or Not to Flea; Diamonds' Dance Party

7.00 30 minutes
TO FLEA OR NOT TO FLEA Elizabeth's been shopping at the flea market, and this time she's accidentally bought an entire flea circus. Everyone is thrilled with the new act, except for Stripes. Attracted to his fur coat, the fleas have him scratching day and night. His friends must choose between the flea circus and the comfort of their friend. In the end they make the right choice and bid farewell to the pesky fleas. EDDY'S SLEEPOVER Eddy and the gang are all excited about his staying overnight at the carnival, until Stripes tells a ghost story around the fire and unnerves everyone (except Eddy.) That night strange noises convince the gang that the spirit of the Jittery Juggler is haunting the grounds. Eddy must show them that the only way to defeat your fears is to face them!



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